General Daily Guidelines
Death and Sexuality Weekends
2-4.30 Arriving time
5pm Meeting for the practical arrangements for the weekend
5.45 Dinner
7pm An introduction, in Satsang (sitting in Life’s truth) to ground the context for the rest of weekend
A conversation about my own understanding of Life and why Death and Sexuality are intimate friends.
8am Breakfast
9am Quiet time/meditation with a practitioner in the temple (voluntary)
10am Death and Sexuality in the context of this culture and why we have particular values about Sexuality/Death
Sexuality, within the context of Life (beauty, creativity and birthing and inspiration through ages and is there a difference?)
Death, within the context of Life (what is elimination, surrender, sacrifice through the ages and is there a difference?)
12 Lunch
Rest time out/ writing for the evening session invitation.
2pm Other women/men who live and understand about their own life vulnerabilities about sexuality and death.
Positivity and Negativity and how these impact Death and Sexuality in our lives. (the rights and wrongs that have become embedded in your body)
How does attitude help or inhabit you?
5pm Writing/quiet/exercise, led meditation in the temple. 20mins (optional)
5.45 Dinner
7pm-late Are your values of sexuality/death true for you, why? an open invitation of your own stories a night of vulnerability.(for those who wish to).
8am Breakfast
9am writing, exercise, led meditation in the temple. 20mins. (optional)
10am Making Rituals and mindfulness to remember your sacred Life.
A rounding off of the weekend.
Another invitation time (like Saturday evening’s session).
12 Lunch